Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Advice on Offer

Hello, it's Chloe here  . . . have you a moment for a chat?

I thought that perhaps you might like an up-date on me and Blue     . . . and how we're getting on.

I'm delighted to tell you that our friendship is growing by leaps and bounds . . . particularly when I leap on his tail and he bounds away!

I don't want to sound smug, but, well, after my experience, I thought that perhaps I could offer some suggestions to anyone else with a boyfriend.

Not only on how to get to know each other, but on how to make sure you keep his interest going .  . . whilst remaining in charge of the situation!

The most important thing,  or so it seems to me, is to demonstrate that your feelings are genuine, but that you're no pushover.

As you can see, a kiss on the nose when you meet conveys all the right intentions.

After that . . . well, you can play with each other as much as you like.

You can also enjoy a brief cat-nap together when you start to feel tired.

Mind you, not all Blue's ideas are good ones.
I've found that he can sometimes over-reach himself and be more than a little cheeky.

You'll never believe what he did the other day.

He took my lead in his mouth and had the nerve to try and take me for a walk!

Was I going to let him get away with such impertinence?
Not on your whiskers!

So,  here's what I'd recommend to anyone with a boyfriend in her life.

Let him gaze at you as much as he likes, but don't always satisfy him by gazing straight back . . .  let him know that he's got to work for your affection.
Then, turn and look at him at the very moment when he's giving up hope
. . .   it always works!

But I must go . . . it's time for my Mum to take me for a walk in the garden.
I wonder . . . do you think we'll see Blue!