Saturday, March 9, 2019

A Me Too Cat!

Hello, it's Chloe here.
I'm sure you're far wiser than me, but I've discovered something recently that has certainly got my whiskers twitching.

Would you like to know what it is?

As my Mum is out of the room at the moment I can keep my paws on the computer and tell you all about it.

What's been bothering me is the fact that this boyfriend/girlfriend business is far more complicated than I'd realised.

Yes, as we agreed before, Blue is the perfect boyfriend . . . he's handsome, persistent and polite, and there's no doubt he's very fond of me.
I'm not arguing about that.

But, sad to say, he also suffers from what seems to be a very common male delusion . . . he thinks that he's the one who should always be on top.

True, we kiss noses as equals when we meet.
But, when we go on to play together, he's convinced that he should be the one who leads the way up the tree, or up the steps, or up the wall . . . enjoying a higher position from which he can look down on what he hopes will be his admiring and subservient girlfriend.

What he doesn't seem to know is that, nowadays, girl humans make a lot of fuss and come together to say Me Too when they think boy humans have been unfair.

Quite rightly, female humans won't let themselves be left at the bottom of the tree, or down at the bottom of the steps.

I share their feelings, and Blue has now discovered, in no uncertain fashion, that his new girlfriend is most definitely a Me Too cat!

Up the steps he went the other day, fully expecting me to remain politely and admiringly in his rear.

Not on your whiskers!
I soon let him know that, where Me Too cats are concerned, it's the girl who leads the way!

It didn't take very long and, after I'd made my point . . .  well, you should have seen the difference!

There we were . . .  me up at the top of those steps with Blue below me.  What's more, he was gazing up at me with a newfound respect in his eyes.

Not only that, he rolled over on his back to prove just how much he accepted my superior position.

Do you see what I mean?

And there's one more thing, something of which I'm quite certain . . . Blue finds a Me Too girlfriend to be far more fun than a subservient and passive one!

You ask him!