Tuesday, May 25, 2010


We are united, we are one,
A coalition has begun.
We are united, can't you see
That you must now agree with me?
We are united, so it's clear
All your views must disappear.
We stand together, as I said,
With me a little bit ahead.

What's that you say? That unity
Exceeds the sum of you and me?
That other folk might like their say?
That other countries want to play
A part in our integral plan -
A role in seeing how we can
Together, from a world-wide view,
Our poor, exploited Earth renew?

We are united, we are one
With all that lives beneath the sun.
What a pity we can't see
That I am you, that you are me.
Just give us time, O Lord, we may
Still come to terms with what you say
So that, in some enlightened dawn,
A wiser human race is born.