So simple, so decisive . . . so irreversible.
And have you noticed that this same simplicity of action features ever more frequently in our daily lives.

But let's give this a little thought.
Is life really like that . . . and should it be like that?
I can't help wondering whether, in an effort to simplify, we have unwittingly helped to create a divided, polarised world.
After all, what if the thing we claim to like today is the very same thing we claimed to dislike yesterday? People can change their minds.
Life is complex, we are complex. Likes and dislikes are based on impulse, often irrational and rarely the outcome of careful consideration. What we like for breakfast we are unlikely to like for lunch.

In addition, we are relegating all those things we 'don't like' to a different strata . . . creating a 'them and us' situation, one which is often painful and hard to understand.
Just look at the cacophony in the world today. Wouldn't you agree that our 'like/dislike', 'for/against' culture has greatly added to the tendency to be judgemental, and is compounding the many divisions in society? Mightn't it be wiser to be a willing part of the flow of life itself rather than constantly critical of the process?

If a surfer passed judgement on each wave, he'd be making life difficult not only for himself, but also for those surfing with him.
But see what happens when a group of them just go with the flow.
To be a part of the flow involves trust, a trust in life to bring what is needed.
What's more, being in the flow is effortless . . . taking a stand, as we know to our cost, consumes a great deal of effort and energy!

You think that sounds a good idea? Then you know what to do.
Ponder on it, mull it over . . . but don't be tempted to click on 'Like'!