Monday, July 16, 2018

Interesting times . . .

Given a cloudless sky on the evening of July 27th, we're all of us in for a treat.
Why?  Because, starting at around 7.30 pm, and lasting for three hours, we'll experience the longest lunar eclipse of this century.

Flanked by two solar eclipses, one in July and one in early August, the Full Moon will pass through the centre of Earth's shadow and emerge as a magnificent Blood Moon.    

So, get out there with your camera next week.  The Blood Moon will be an amazing sight.

This turbulence in the sky above would seem to be mirrored on Earth below.  According to an article published in 'Geophysical Research Letters' earlier this year, the Earth's rotation has recently begun slowing down.  As a consequence, a day is now fractionally longer than it was a century ago.

The geophysicists' report shows something else, it demonstrates how this change in rotation has brought about a marked increase in earthquake activity.  The average number of sizeable tremors has risen to nearly eight hundred a day.

Residents of Surrey know this only too well.  In less than three months the area around Dorking has been subject to what's been called a swarm of earthquakes.

Hawaii, too, has hit the headlines.  But you may not have read of recent disruptive earthquakes in Iran, Burma, Mexico, Russia, India, Greenland and Taiwan.  And did you know of the tremors in Jerusalem?
The people of Japan have suffered not only earthquakes, but over two hundred have died in accompanying landslides and flooding.

We've been talking about disturbances in the physical world, but this would also seem to be a time of massive emotional disruption within nations.  You don't need to look far to witness turmoil in politics and turbulence in world affairs.  Could it be that these heightened emotions are aggravated by the planetary instability?

Which brings us back to the Blood Moon . . . let's all mark our diaries for the evening of July 27th.
Given a clear sky, it should offer us an unforgettable spectacle.

Will this dramatic planetary experience be reflected in more turmoil on Earth?
Who knows.
The one certainty?  Yes, you're right . . . we're living in interesting times!